Grenoble Adventure Club

Hiking, via ferrata, canoe, geocaching, canyoning, ski, snowshoeing, climbing, cinema, parties and much more!

Display a GPX track on your phone through OsmAnd

Step I: download and install OsmAnd

🤖 Android

a) 🙂 Freeware version (10 maps download and limited options)

Choose one: Google Store / Amazon Store

b) 😍 Open Source version (more features like elevation/shadow, no limit on map download)

It requires that you enable the “developer options” and the “install of APK from unknown source” on your phone.

Choose one:

c) 😎 Payed version

Choose one: Google PlayStore / Amazon Store

🍏 iOS

Step II: download the map in OsmAnd

  1. Connect your phone on Wifi (if you don’t have a lot of data)
  2. Launch OsmAnd on your phone
  3. Click on the “menu” button

    Open OsmAnd Menu

  4. Click on the “Download maps” menu

    Download Menu

  5. Navigate through the item to “Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes”
    1. Europe
    2. France
    3. Auvergne-RhĂ´ne-Alpes
    4. Cartes Standards / Standards Maps

      Map items

  6. Download: Cartes Standards / Standards Maps

    Map download

  7. Wait until the downloads are done (~550 Mo download)
  8. Done!

Step3 bis: download the GPX track (from BRouter)

  1. Open the “topo” link in the meetup event
  2. Click on the menu 𝄘
  3. Click on “Exporter”

    GPX GraphHopper

  4. In the popup, click on “Exporter l’itinéraire”

    GraphHopper Export GPX

  5. It’s done! The track is displayed

    GPX displayed

  6. Done!


Hiking rendering and more online maps for OsmAnd

Follow instructions on this website:

Step3 bis: download the GPX track (from GraphHooper)

  1. Open the “topo” link in the meetup event
  2. Click on the “gpx” icon

    GPX GraphHopper

  3. In the popup, click on the “Export GPX” button

    GraphHopper Export GPX

  4. Open the download gpx file with OsmAnd

    Open GPX

  5. It’s done! The track is displayed

    GPX displayed

  6. Done!